
Confidential REF: #1333

Instituto enfocado a Soluciones Empresariales.

Buscamos especialista en Data Science para participar como Docente de un curso brindado por el Instituto enfocado a Soluciones Empresariales.


  • Python (para ciencia de datos)
  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning


  • Panda
  • Scikit-learn
  • Tensor Flow 
  • Conocimiento en matematicas, algebra lineal y estadística.

  • La oportunidad de participar de la creación de un curso, con potencialidad de convertirse en carrera.
  • Docente principal con potencial de ser el futuro coordinador del curso/carrera.
  • Oportunidad Freelance: 6 horas a la semana
  • Modalidad de trabajo virtual
  • Ser parte de una renombrada Institución.

Application Form

In accordance with Law No. 18,331, Decree 414/09, art. 37 to 40 of Law 19,670 and Decree 64/20, on the Protection of Personal Data and Action of Habeas Data, declares that I voluntarily provide my personal data, and that they it can be used by BÚSQUEDAS IT in selection processes and administration of current and future personnel and/or transferring to clients, key partners or other local and international companies; and that BUSQUEDAS IT will be able to store them it on its servers located in the United States, Texas, and process them it with broad commercial fines for the best fulfillment of its services. If you no longer want to be part of the database, send an email requesting unsubscription to info@busquedasit.com.